
You can enter settings, by clicking your device menu button and choose "Settings", then a window with the following contents will be shown.

Data settings

This is a sections, which refers to actions related with your data (measurements, tags, descriptions etc.)

Erase data

Erases all data of a currently chosen user. This action cannot be undone, so be cautious!

My Heart - Restore old data

Restores all data that you had in earlier version of My Heart application (< 1.2.9). Be aware that this action overrides all your existing data, so I propose to do the following:

    • Create new user from the user menu.
    • Select that newly created user
    • From the settings menu safely restore old data to the newly created user

CSV separator

You can choose between "," and ";".

Separators are the signs that separate a column of data, so for example values for systolic, diastolic and pulse will be saved like this: 120,80,60 if a separator is comma. This way when datas are read by application, it knows that 120 is a separate value.

The application can handle both separators, but when you will export your data and attempt to read in software like Microsoft Excel or Open Office, it will require that a file is separated with specific separator. For example in Poland it is often ";", but in Us it is ",". So, anytime you export your data to spreadsheet editor and they are messed up, remember to change CSV file separator.

Weight unit

You can choose between "kg" and "lbs" unit. Depending on what you choose, that unit will be shown, when you enter your weight. Currently application won't recalculate your measured weight between those two units.

Trend algorithm

Trend line can be calculated in different way.

You can choose Average over time, which simply shows how average value of all presented measurements changed over time.

Or, you can choose mean square error method which approximates linear function of all measurements. It simply shows whether in general values are ascending or descending.


This section allows customizing hypertension categories.

Categories standard

Here you can switch between JNC7 or ESH/ESC hypertension categories. You can read more in the section Introduction.


You can turn on/off categorizing your measurements with Hypotonia. When your blood pressure is too low, than it should also be consulted with a doctor.

Hypotonia is classified when both Systolic is less than 100 mmHg and Diastolic is less than 60 mmHg.


In this section presented are settings related to your experience with the application.


Changes the look of the application. Choose a theme that suits you the most.

Scrollers speed

Specify here, how sensitive are the number pickers/scrollers in Data tab. The greater value, the faster scrollers will move when touched.


Specifies a language of an application.

Google Analytics

This feature is mostly helpful for me - developer. It send me anonymous data regarding errors that occurred in the application. This helps me analyze and fix issues. Moreover it shows a city in which application is used, this way I know what language would be required to translate for you etc. You can turn it off in any time, so that I won't receive that information.

Home page

This section navigates you to my website, where I very often post very useful information regarding application, usage and tips.

Facebook page

Navigates you to my Facebook page.

Google+ page

Navigates you to my Facebook page.


Little section regarding information.


Navigates you to your email client with my email address automatically typed in. This way you can share your feedback, which is priceless for me.


A little information about myself.