Filters are one of the coolest features. It gives you much flexibility and allows to control your data.
Filters show only those measurements, which you wish to be shown like for example: last 30 days, only those taken in morning/evening/afternoon, those taken morning with hypertension Stage 1/2/3 etc. Possibilities are countless!
The instructions below explain how to create your first filter and make use of its advantages.
Creating filter
In the History/Graph/Statistics tab you can see an "eye" icon on top, it navigates you to the window where you can set up filters.
Here you can create new filter by clicking + icon on top right. When clicked, filter creation window is shown with following sections:
- Filter name - here you can specify a name of a filter, which will be familiar to you e.g. "morning", "morning - last 30 days", "morning - hypertension" etc.
- Day time - here you can specify a day time in which you want to see measurements, eg. 4 am - 12am
- Time range - here you can specify a time range in which you want to see measurements, eg. last 30 days or some specific period that you would like to show to your doctor
- Hypertension categories - here you can specify measurements with hypertension categories that you would like to filter
- Tags - here you can select tags that your measurements should contain (see filter types for specific info about filtering options)
If any of the above is not set than it will not be taken into account during filtering your data.
Using filters
Following sections will describe how to use filters and how to benefit from them.
Filter types
There are two filter modes "AND" and "OR". Depending on them, your filters will behave in different way.
For reference let's assume that we have following filters
Filter name: Morning
Day time - 4.00 am - 12.00 am
Time Range - not specified
Category - not specified
Tags - not specified
Filter name: Advanced hypertension
Day time - not specified
Time Range - not specified
Category - selected: Stage 1 Hypertension, Stage 2 Hypertension
Tags - not specified
If filters are in this mode, than it is saying that: measurement must match filtering criteria from all selected filters.
In case of Tag filter it means that measurement must consist of all checked Tags.
With given two filters (like above): "Morning" and "Advanced Hypertension", when you select both of them, then you will see only those measurements, which match filtering criteria according to both "Morning" filter and "Advanced Hypertension" filter, e.g. a measurements that has been taken morning and is classified to Stage 2 Hypertension.
If filters are in this mode, than it is saying that: measurement must match filtering criteria from at least one of selected filters.
In case of Tag filter it means that measurement must consist of at least one of checked Tags.
With given two filters (like above): "Morning" and "Advanced Hypertension", when you select both of them, then you will see only those measurements, which match filtering criteria according to one of "Morning" filter or "Advanced Hypertension" filter, e.g. a measurements that has been taken morning or is classified to Stage 2 Hypertension.
Filtering History
When filters are enabled, a history list will show only filtered data.
Filtering Graph
Graph will shows only that data, which were filtered out. E.g. you can preview your measurements that were taken only morning and when you have been taking a measurement in sitting position. It's up to you what you would like to see. Keep experimenting and maybe you will be able to see some pattern which will help you in fighting hypertension.
Filtering Statistics
Also statistics will be basing on filtered data. Filter you measurements and take a look at the statistics diagram, maybe you will be able to see that evenings you have lower blood pressure. Who knows?
Filtering data to export
When filters are enabled they affect also Data exporting. Imagine that your doctor would like to see reports from e.g. June. Nothing easier, just create a filter with June in time range, enable it. Afterwards your data will be filtered to those only from June and when you export your data (see Data Import/Export section), then exported file will contain data only from June. Simple as that!